The Central ArroyoThe Central Arroyo: What do the Rose Bowl Operating Company (RBOC) and the City of Pasadena want to do NOW?
LVAA wants you to be aware of a new 2-part project proposed by the Rose Bowl, the title of which is the Brookside Golf Course Improvements Project. The project, which sill cover about 16 acres and is located within a National Register Historic District, is adjacent to the Brookside Clubhouse about where the current Driving Range is located, consists of 2 Miniature Golf Courses totaling 36 holes, and includes extensive upgrades to the Driving Range such as increasing the number of hitting bays from 20 to 60, reorienting the Range to North/South, and implementing changes to holes on the regular Golf Courses. Both parts of the project include extensive light installations for the purpose of nighttime operations. Except if there is a conflict with Rose Bowl events, the project proposes night hours of operation and night lighting 7 days a week all year round until 10 PM, followed by further lighting for such matters as cleaning. The project will result in the removal of 47 generally healthy protected public Canopy Trees and may endanger 16 other such Trees due to project encroachment. Rather than engage in broad-based and robust public participation, advocated by LVAA and the West Pasadena Residents’ Association (WPRA), the RBOC skipped ahead to the project approval process by issuing formal, legal documents for review and Certification pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Below is the Notice issued by the RBOC addressing the CEQA process for the project including how to submit comments and providing a link to the CEQA documents. Two of the CEQA documents are also provided below: the Mitigated Negative Declaration issued by the RBOC, and the accompanying Tree Report. The RBOC decided not to make any decisions itself and, instead, to send the CEQA Certification of the Project and the request for $1 million in start up funds to the Pasadena City Council. The Pasadena City Council is holding a public hearing on Certifying the Project CEQA documents, including the MND, and on providing $1 million in City funds to the RBOC to pay start up costs related to the Project, on Monday, July 10, 2023, in the Council Chambers. The July 10, 2023, Council Meeting begins at 5:30 PM and the Golf Improvement Project Agenda item is No. 15 on the Agenda. Additional relevant documents are provided below.